Thursday, June 23, 2011

Worst person alive in Oslo....

About a week ago, I got email from Kelly asking to come to Oslo for her last week end in europe. I told her to come up. A couple of days later, she was here enjoying the expensive beer, 24 hour sun, the World Championship BellyFlop competition, Frognerparken, Cider, Revovler Oslo, Srypo, HJ veggie burgers, closed mimi bottle museum, 5 by 8 size room, friends, that she snores, Aker Brygge, rain, Star jumps, bad jokes, 2am walks around the city, etc.....

First night Kelly got here we took her Revolver for some drinks. When we got there she informed me that this was the first time she had drunk on her euro trip. Weirdo.
Then next day we got up to a nice hangover and I took her sight seeing around Oslo. We check the Aker brygge, around the harbour, did some star jump at Oprah's House.
After that we headed to Frognerparken for the World Championship BellyFlop Competition. There was alot of laughs. It was basically dude doing the biggest horsey off the 10m diving board onto the stomachs with a few double back flip into a horsey...

Cant remember what this was called, but we watched about 3 or 4 races while drinking and eating all our free food and drink that everyone was handing out down on Aker Brygge...
Star jumps at Oprah house... 
Kelly knows how to capturing the moment... 
Yes, that a real tattoo of watch on someones arm...
The Major of Oslo giving the opening speech for BellyFlop Comp... 
Kelly treated Steemy and I to some good Sorbet... Thank kelly...
Double back into a horsey...

Want to thank Kelly for coming. Had a lot of fun. See u in a few weeks...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

24 hours of daylight.....

After a few weeks with out my camera changer cause I think I may of misplace it in the bin somehow and this surprise 24 hour visit from Anita, we wasted know time got ready, run to the shop, bought some bbq's, booze, food, changed camera battery, etc... and made our way down to Frognerparken to spent the day enjoy the sun of this amazing sunday.
When we arrived it looked like the whole of Oslo had the same idea! 
Adam, Mellis and Anita... Since Mellis had arrived it had rain the whole 3 days, then Anita turns up and its 22 degrees and perfect...
Mellis, Anita, Jacqui, Em, Adam, Steemy relaxing the shit out of it, with pace!
Chef Steemboat...
Celebrity heads, Anita by far got the worst one...
Every bin in the park looks like this after a sunny day...
After staying at the park till about 8pm. We headed home to meet Reidor and Preben. Reidor had talked about this mini park right near our flat but i could never find it. 
Last night I finally got to catch it out, Its super old but still really good to skate and you can have more then alot of fun on it for hours... The best part as well it's only 400m from our apartment...
Norwegian bottle opener, all you need is a shoe and a friend...
10:30pm and still skating in daylight...
He didn't make it...
After the boys didn't get the cork out, steemy spent a good 15 mins banging the bottle on a flat surface  till it exposed all over him and emma... Not smart...
Cause this is how it you end up kids... with aids...
4 of 5 creeps...
After skating till 11:30pm, we run home showered and headed to Fugazi...
2 creeps and Marte...
Over 30 gang...
Kindergarten piss... and Iban the jerk...
Anita and Em doing the Paddy dance...
Waiting for everyone to come out the bar. It's was 3:15am and way to light for anyones liking...
After getting home I got a call from Adam to look out the window, only to find him doing mainy's down our street on his new bike, he tired to impress me but ended up coming off second best.

All in all it was amazing day. So happy to have Reidor, Mellis and Anita. There more then welcome anytime, let just hope it for longer next time! But i've still got still some days with Reidor in town to do some more shredding...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. 
I AM BELCO!!!!!!!
Yes click the link above.